Ghoul Sports!


My MiL gave me and my husband a mall gift card as payment for dog-sitting recently, and so my husband got me all three Ghoul Sports dolls!!  They *just* came to stores here, and I was so excited when we saw them that he put them right in our cart and insisted on getting them then and there. ^^

It was very tempting to rip into all three boxes right away but Spectra is the only one I’ve opened so far, as the other two have less than perfect face screenings and I might exchange them later if I can find better ones.  There’s already a review in the works for Spectra – y’all can expect to see that on the blog at the end of the week.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. jSarie
    Jul 15, 2014 @ 14:22:51

    I’ve been wondering about these – looking forward to your review!


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